National Careers Week 2025 3rd – 8th March | [email protected]

Open Days

Before you start a university, you want to know as much information as possible about the University/college, courses, lecturers, student lifestyle and activities.

A lot of universities offer virtual tours that allow you to see many of these details even if you can’t visit in person. What’s great about this is you can connect with a university on social media.

Connecting with people in person

As you will be connecting with many people over your time at University visiting a campus gives you an insight to the types of people you will be connecting with and being in the space will help you visualize this. It’s great to meet your program tutors, lecturers and students as it helps to put faces to name and feel connected to the University.

Compare & Contrast

You will likely have a few Universities you are interested in going to an it can be hard to pick the right one for you. A campus visit allows you to compare your chosen Universities, particularly if you ask the same questions at each University. To decide which university is right for you, compare:

The course itself, the requirements to get on the course, what the classrooms and lecturers are like, what your accommodation is like, societies and clubs, dining options, facilities, safety measures and of course the atmosphere on the campus.

After Graduation

You can always schedule meetings with an academic counsellor or tutor to talk about career options after you graduate. They may give you some options of extra courses or hands on experience you can gain as well as talking to you about alumni. This is a great way of knowing what previous students have gone on to achieve and can give you some great insights into how to get to your chosen career. Knowing you have an institute that will support you through your university experience is very important.

Talk to students

You can gain a lot of information from a Universities social media, website and other literature but nothing is going to beat talking to current students. They can give you insights into what campus life is like, what is required of you academically, activities they have been involved in and most importantly are they glad they picked their University.

"Visiting University is a vital part of the decision-making process when choosing your degree"

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