National Careers Week 2025 3rd – 8th March | [email protected]


At university or college, you can get valuable qualifications and skills to help you reach your chosen career.

You can access a wide range of courses/ qualifications such as degrees, foundation degrees and higher national diplomas. A lot of these courses are taught at university but plenty are also taught at college too, as well as specialist providers such as, business schools, conservatoires and agricultural colleges.

You can study full time or part time and access distance or blended learning as well as accelerated degree programmes.

Find out more about university from our resources below and if you have any further question don’t hesitate to get in touch with our coordinators using our instant chat feature.

Higher Education Myth Busting

Our student ambassadors and careers advisors Sanna and Amy talk you though the common myths that surround higher education. Busting Myths such as;

  • If I go to University, I won’t make any friends.
  • You have to be rich to go to University.
  • University is only for people who are academic.
  • You have to move away from home to study at University.

Check out this video on The Pay Index - My Future University

UCAS Hub Student Packs

These short self-led tasks take students through the early uni research stages, encouraging them to explore their options on and in more depth in the UCAS Hub.

In this pack students are encouraged to think about their interests and future options – encouraging them to start their research.

This pack will get students thinking about what they may want from higher education and share more about how the UCAS Hub will help with research. 

In this pack students are asked to start researching their courses and given pointers about what to research. 

We also have some fantastic documents for you to download on all different sectors and the routes you can take to your career.

The renewable energy industry focuses on renewable energy technologies including fuel sources such as biomass, hydro, marine, solar, wave and wind and plays a crucial role in the strategy to reduce carbon emissions.

The agriculture industry is one of the most vital sectors in our society. The UK agriculture industry is responsible for feeding millions of families.

People who work in construction help to shape the world around them. They create the infrastructure that supports towns and cities. The infrastructure could be roads, bridges and railways or a facility such a business offices, home, schools or hospitals. It is an industry that never stands still.

The engineering sector includes a wide range of organisations, work-fields and industries.

The Health and Social Care sector includes any person or any organisation who provides healthcare support to people.

The visitor economy is made up of the tourism, hospitality and event industries. This means the sector includes all job roles in accommodation services, food and beverage services, travel, sport and recreation, visitor attractions and conference services.

Here are a range of guides for students with a health condition, mental health condition, disability or specific learning difficulty who are considering higher education

Ready to study?

A guide for students with a health condition, mental health condition, disability or learning difficulty considering higher education.

Support for disabled students at university

This booklet explains the key things you should know about how universities support disabled students

HEre for you

A guide for students with a health condition, mental health condition, disability or learning difficulty considering higher education.

Check out some other links that you might find helpful...